Archivist Committee
1928 to present
Olivet Baptist Church
Archivist Committee
Ministry Leader: Brother Verdis Daniels, Jr.Olivet Baptist Church
Archivist Committee
Co- Leader: Sister Wanda Hayes
Committee Members: Sister Brenda Alexander
Mother Dorothy Alexander
Sister Sharon Hudspeth-Holmes
Sister Lee Hall
Sister Brenda Johnson
This committee was formulated to assist the congregation to know, establish and celebrate Olivet’s rich history via preservation of official records of the congregation, developing a process for access to these church records, photographs and to promote awareness thru media presentations and Historical Sundays.
The Historical Sunday media presentations will be reflections of Olivet’s members’ impact on Black History in Our Community regarding Business, Education, Sports, Military and Politics.
The committee is currently working to organize and categorize the Library books in the Archive area and will soon have Library hours for the congregation to come and visit. Volunteers are always needed to help with the organization of the Archive area. If you are interested in volunteering to help, please contact Wanda K. Hayes at 512-784-9529 and leave a message.